Critical Photo Essay- Process Reflection
At the beginning of this assignment, I had no idea about what I was doing. I had this HUGE idea and thought of all the ways to go about it, I thought of all the media that I wanted to incorporate into this final project, I thought about how awesome of a survey I would end up with, no offense to anyone, but I didn’t get much feedback! I got 3 survey responders so that’s better than none and I was able to complete my project with that little of information. Thank you to those who helped! I spent many tedious hours clicking left to right on iMovie and trying to get every second just right . I thought about how fast someone was going to read, how someone was going to take in the information of the video clips that I had taken from Screen Recording on my phone…. But it turned out that I didn’t have an argument…. Which was really true. I hadn’t felt entirely confident in my piece, I thought it was lookin kinda pretty, but overall it illustrated a chicken running around wit...