Critical Photo Essay- Process Reflection
At the beginning of this assignment, I had no idea about what I was doing. I had this HUGE idea and thought of all the ways to go about it, I thought of all the media that I wanted to incorporate into this final project, I thought about how awesome of a survey I would end up with, no offense to anyone, but I didn’t get much feedback! I got 3 survey responders so that’s better than none and I was able to complete my project with that little of information. Thank you to those who helped!
I spent many tedious hours clicking left to right on iMovie and trying to get every second just right. I thought about how fast someone was going to read, how someone was going to take in the information of the video clips that I had taken from Screen Recording on my phone…. But it turned out that I didn’t have an argument…. Which was really true. I hadn’t felt entirely confident in my piece, I thought it was lookin kinda pretty, but overall it illustrated a chicken running around with its head lopped off…..
Finally I considered what the results were telling me and after Doug gave me ideas about where/what my could be saying, I realized what it was actually saying. Thankfully we had a week or something like that between the Teacher Draft and this one to fix anything that needed to get fixed. So then, my writing process became more developed and I was able to actually consider what was going on. I just kept wanting to think about What is writing in The Digital Space? Does a hashtag count? Does an emoji? A text message? Is your Facebook status really writing? But that’s all there was to it until I considered my results….. So my writing started getting fixed (or should I say, actually written?) and, easily, I wrote 4-5 pages about my project. I developed an argument, and if I may say so myself, came up with a pretty cool operative definition for writing, rhetoric and came up with something new (I think): rhetorical value, and especially its definition. I had never heard of that before, but I kept using it so I figured that I ought to define it.
When it came to designing my piece, I decided that I better change my medium to PowerPoint rather than iMovie. A reader would be able to better read it and control the pace and other factors while experiencing my presentation. I think that PowerPoint is a better fit for what I ended up with. I was really attached to the videos that I had in iMovie, but I figured out how to incorporate them and now the viewer has the option to watch the available videos….In the future, I think I will go with my gut (which was powerpoint) which is something I ignored because I thought I could do something with iMovie that I ended up not being able to do or control.
It was pretty fun working with you all this semester. See most of you after winter break!
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