Information- 10.16

The following this week is mostly notes, and pay more attention to the TEDTalk video with McCandless. 

  • Adding weight to the text with colors and shapes was a really interesting example of a way to enhance information and make it more accessible to readers/viewers.

  • Really attracted to the patterns that can emerge over time and reflect in the media- when [tedtalk] discussed the fear of violence in video games, I found that that the reason the public feared most in April (and November) was because of the anniversary of the Columbine shooting.

  • Data is the new soil” very interesting perspective and in today’s world that is very very true. McCandless said that “it feels like a fertile, creative medium” ; data has become something that can generate another something and make it spread all over the internet and the world- which makes it hard to ignore.
    It makes me think of ‘Filter Bubble’ in which Pariser remarks that Facebook and Google use our activities to generate data and then that data flourishes and some other stuff comes out of it- usually, I think, it’s becoming more like a never-ending circle.

  • Design Literacy- Instead of focusing on the notion that reading and comprehension literacy is decreasing because of digital reading, we could think more on the interesting idea that the internet has shaped our expectations for designs. And once McCandless mentioned that we are always being blasted by this stuff, it made me think about how much of a stickler I am about the layout of things. For example, I will get really picky and judgmental if a (probably brand new) website has been created or if the owners of the website are older people who are not very well-connected with the ways a computer works and it shows inexperience, or feels messy because it doesn’t match the design layout that some of the other social media apps or websites.

This probably is to lead us into thinking about some of things we will need to consider when we create our infographic.



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